Rev. John Crestwell, Minister

Thank you to UUA Regional Lead, Rev. Meghan Foley for her leadership facilitating a “getting to know you” session during Rev. AZ’s “Start-up” this past weekend.  Both of us enjoyed sharing how our partnership is working and finding its balance and harmony.  The link for the Sunday conversation is here:  We discussed our hopes, when/how we minister; our portfolios, philosophy of leading, and more.   We encouraged those on zoom to reach out to us for pastoral care, coffee, or just a relational “getting to know you meeting”.   We also received several questions that we will address in the coming days through one-on-one meetings, emails, blog posts, or congregational conversations.  

November 3rd is coming!  Please vote.  In support of this important election, Sunday, October 25 at 10 am, we will hear from several diverse Unitarian Universalist Association leaders who will be leading a UU the Vote worship service on the UUCA zoom.  Our UU faith and values are vital now more than ever, so please zoom-in and be inspired by our UUA kin this Sunday.  

Want to learn more about me?  Stay connected by clicking the link in blue or by using the QR code below on your device.  Have a great weekend!  I hope to see you on Sunday. 

Love, Rev. John