Spiritual Practice Groups

Universalism believes that we as human beings are all headed in the same direction even though our roadmaps (or GPS) may give us different routes to travel. Spiritual practice groups are a way we can engage with our own sense of spirituality in a place that is most comfortable to our specific theological leanings. Unitarian Universalism draws its theology from six sources of inspiration that do not tell us exactly what to believe but help to guide us along in our faith journeys. Maybe one of these groups is right for you. To view group schedules, please check the church calendar or email the group contacts listed below.

Full Circle

We invite all women to full moon events, including cis women and transwomen.  Individuals under 18 must attend with an adult woman. Come to explore and practice earth-centered spirituality through rituals, classes, projects, and events. The purposes of our rituals are to: celebrate the full moon and seasons, connect with the church and community, to respectfully learn about other traditions, and most of all to have fun. Monthly earth-based ritual, celebrating the full moon.

More information can be found on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FullCircleUuca or email us 

Times for Full Moons are 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

April 2025

Full moon Celebration – 4/7/2025

The Mindfulness Practice Group 

Thursdays, 6:30 pm; Sundays 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.

Is a spirituality group of the UU Church of Annapolis, a sangha (community of contemplative friends) supporting each other in meditation practices. We are peer-led and lay-led: We are all each others’ teachers. All are welcome to sit with us; our group practices are Buddhist, in the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Like him, we respect all meditation practices and celebrate the diversity of practice among us.  Please enter through the side gallery door facing Lawrence Ave.

Contact: Phyllis Culham, 410-268-9639.

Thu. Mar. 27: Plum Village Blessing of Space Ceremony: 6:30-8 pm, We will recite the opening of Thich Nhat Hanh’s ceremony for invoking the presence of Avalokiteshvara in the space of the Piscataway Rm., sit for a shortened half hour or so, & complete the ceremony, followed by discussion. 
Avalokiteshvara is the bodhisattva (manifestation) of compassion. The ceremony can be used for inviting compassion into any space, workshops, classrooms, law offices, practice spaces anywhere we wish to be always present with compassion, to manifest Avalokiteshvara ourselves. We will be using Water of the World, brought to the church last fall for the Ingathering.
Sun. Mar. 30: Eid al-Fitr: 9:00-10:00 am IN THE PISCATAWAY ROOM at the end of the corridor. After our usual meditation guided with gathas, we’ll discuss the happiness at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the greatest celebration of the Muslim year: Eid al-Fitr.
Sun. Mar. 30: Reading and Writing Haiku As A Spiritual Practice, 4:30-5:30 pm. Sensei Bob Ertman leads a Zoom group in reading & writing haiku. This week we’ll be writing and reading some of our own.  You are invited to join us. E-mail Bob & we’ll send you the link.  You won’t need to come every time to enjoy this.

UUCA Freethinkers & Humanists

1st Mondays, 7:00 pm. We tend not to meet at the church unless part of the Middle/After Hour.

Discussion & open exchange of ideas on the role of atheism and humanism within UUCA and UU-ism writ large.  We explore the concepts of integrity, science, naturalism, respect, wonder, compassion, and community. Our meetings are open and we welcome newcomers.  

Contact: Peter Morse

UUCA Theist Group

Last Sundays, 8:45 am.

The UU Theist Group meets to consider the sources of our faith that derive from Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. In doing so, we seek to accept one another’s beliefs and learn from each other while collectively fostering our individual spiritual growth and understanding.

Zoom Link

Contact: John W Fischerand Bill Bennett john_30201@msn.com.