Looking Forward

Heather Millar

I am thrilled to be starting this new year as an active member of UUCA. I am one of many who participate in numerous opportunities at UUCA to learn, grow, enjoy and serve.

Each week I am lifted up during our worship services. The introductions by our Worship leaders express my hopes. The music and messages touch my heart and soul. I feel and learn as I experience these communal gatherings. During Coffee Hour I have had among the most meaningful conversations I have ever experienced in a group setting as I get to know others and myself more deeply.

I am thankful for Zoom. It has been instrumental in allowing me to worship, study and serve remotely. While I long to meet in person, I have felt personally engaged on Zoom and hope we continue to employ technology in creative and supportive ways. I love seeing friends in Minnesota and Bucharest join many of our gatherings.

I am inspired and challenged by our support for the 8th Principle to “accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” I want to continue to explore what this means with my colleagues on the Building Beloved Community Team (BBC), the Board of Trustees, Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2), the Theists and the Arnold Small Group Ministry. I am now reading the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) report Widening the Circle of Concern, Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change. As I read, discuss and digest recommendations contained in this report, I expect to better understand how I can be truly welcoming for all and ensure everyone feels heard and included; I desire to help make UUCA a safe space for spiritual exploration and expression for all.

I am enjoying my work with Jackie Pruner. After attending the virtual UUA General Assembly (GA) last June, Jackie approached me about making a presentation to share that experience with our UUCA community. Along with other attendees, we have prepared a presentation that we expect to share in February.  We are looking forward to GA 2021, June 23-27, that will also be held virtually. This opens up attendance for many more people than in-person gatherings because of the lower registration fee and no travel expenses. We hope sharing these experiences will encourage more from UUCA to attend, especially young people (YRUU and young adults).

I feel fortunate to have found UUCA and can truly say I LOVE US!