Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Pat Fleeharty is proposing at the next Congregational Meeting, an amendment to the UUCA Bylaws, as part of “Section E – Vote” of “Bylaw V – Meetings,” which states, “Any decision or transaction, duly approved by a majority vote of the members present during a congregational meeting, can only be overturned or significantly modified by a vote of the members at a subsequent congregational meeting.” This article serves as the 30-day notification of any proposed bylaw amendment.  

This bylaw amendment is a response to the following. In 2017, the members of UUCA voted to “…declare our commitment to translate our values into action. We declare that UUCA is a Sanctuary Church: we will provide support and refuge to immigrants … as the ministry deems appropriate, with periodic reports by the Senior Minister (or designate) to the Board of Trustees regarding actions taken pursuant to this resolution. Finally, we will work with partner organizations to create sacred space of sanctuary where it is needed. We dedicate ourselves to educate and activate our congregation, to amplify and respond to the voices of immigrant, refugee, and leaders of marginalized communities, and to speak out against discrimination toward any and all marginalized people.” In 2018, Interim Senior Minister Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, in consolation with Rev. John and our UUCA staff, decided that offering “support and refuge” would not, at that time, include having any individual(s) in jeopardy of deportation live within our UUCA property. Pat Fleeharty views this action as being in violation of the congregational vote. This amendment seeks to make all congregational votes binding.

At its February meeting, the Board did not support the proposed amendment, concluding that a more effective means to address this situation is through a Feedback Policy and Grievance Procedure, a draft of which would be considered during the March Board meeting.

To learn more, two Congregational Conversations are being held on March Sunday, March 21, 2021, After Hour, and Saturday, March 27, 2021, 2:00 pm to consider more fully the purpose and potential impacts of this proposed amendment, along with other topics.