Commitment Sunday Celebration


Dear UUCA,

Come join us this Sunday, during after hour, for our Commitment Sunday Celebration. The Spring season invites us into new life; at UUCA we know that we bring that life by showing up in mind, presence, and spirit and by giving of our time, talents, and treasures.

Though we would normally celebrate with food and refreshment, we will celebrate this Sunday by intentionally giving time to grow our relationship with one another.



During this After Hour Commitment Sunday Celebration, we will:
  • Thank you for being part of and hence creating this wonderful congregation!
  • Premier our new UUCA video!
  • Layout brief vision of what we have to look forward to.
  • Offer some brief information about why pledging is important, especially this year.
  • Move into breakout groups to center relationship development in all that we do, including in our pledging process.
During the breakout groups, you will have the opportunity to share about your relationship with our UUCA community, ask questions or lift up concerns or appreciations, and meet one or more of our new stewardship captains. Hearing from other members about their experiences is often meaningful, and we are pleased to spend the majority of our time with each other in this way.


We are continuing with a “year-round” pledging model where groups of members pledge in certain months. It is not our expectation or even ask that you will pledge on Sunday, though that is an option available to you if you wish.


Excited to celebrate with you,


Rev. Anastassia Zinke, John Crestwell, and our Stewardship Team