GA, Join Us!

By Heather Millar, President

Every year in late June UUs gather from around the world to learn, worship, connect and celebrate. This year the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) will again be virtual as it was last year for the first time. There are advantages to this format including lower costs, no travel time, and for many, more accessibility. Attendees found they were able to balance work and attending GA sessions; others found it easier to see and hear and to get to sessions with no long walks.

This year’s GA “Circle ‘Round for Justice, Healing, Courage” will be from Wednesday, June 23, through Sunday, June 27. The registration fee is $200 and scholarships are available. All are encouraged to attend, especially YRUUs. There are special sessions and gatherings for youth. UUCA will have delegates who vote during the business sessions but GA is full of activities from early morning and into the night for all. Last year 23 from UUCA attended and we hope to increase that number this year.

To learn more, email and/or plan to attend the After Hour session about GA on May 23.