Meet Your Stewards

by Rev. Anastassia Zinke, Minister

We are putting relationships at the heart of UUCA, including in our stewardship work; as part of this, your Stewardship Captain will be your first point of contact. Pam Ausiello, our finance director, will be available for any assistance you need after connecting with your Captain.

At UUCA, we run a year-round stewardship drive, with members and friends making their annual financial “pledge” of commitment in all months of the year. When your month comes to reconsider your annual pledge to UUCA, your pledge captain will reach out to you. The captains for November/December are:

 Jan Bird  |  Scott Eden

Your captain is genuinely interested in getting to know you – or getting to know you better as this might be someone you’re familiar with. They will have a conversation with you about UUCA, how you’ve been involved, how you feel things are going, and they will share their experiences with you in return. Their meeting with you will primarily be a time of story sharing. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions. The meeting is also a convenient time for you to consider what your pledge to the church will be over the next 12 months. The Stewards will not ask how much you’re pledging, nor do they have access to that information unless, for your convenience, you tell them. They are there, however, for you to have the information you need to make a thoughtful and meaningful gift UUCA. 

This year we are asking for you to consider a pledge increase of 10-15%. This increase reflects:

  • Our shift to having ministers of equal standing, paid equally at a senior minister level.
  • That more of our employees have opted to access our health benefits.
  • That there are infrastructure investments we need to make to reopen, and also work to continue to offer virtual access to our services.

UUCA happens because of the generosity of our members and friends. Everything we do is reliant on generosity; a generosity we hope and trust you feel is reciprocated in the relationships you have in this community. 

If you have questions or comments please let me know,

Rev. Anastassia