2021 Summer Reconnection

Small Group Ministry

Sundays: July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29

Young Room

11:15 am – 12:00 pm

Why Do Small Group Ministry Now?

Our congregations have lived through a time of connecting differently and are moving towards a time when many of us will be in person again. Our volunteers and staff are exhausted. Many are out of creativity and inspiration and just need a break. And yet, we do need to reconnect. We may be awkward. We may feel uncomfortable. Large groups of people may feel like “too much” for many of us.

Small group ministry is a style of circle worship for small groups. It allows each person a chance to share, if they choose, and to be heard and held by the group. UU youth and young adults often worship in such a circle form. 

Our offering here is a six-session series of gatherings. We are creating this series paying attention to the trauma we have been through. These sessions are not designed to dig deep into our trauma as that work may be more difficult and require the presence of religious professionals. Instead, they allow people to reconnect in gentle ways that invite them to share at the level they feel comfortable sharing.