February 2022


Dear UUCA Community,

We wanted to share with you about how we are practicing our values in our hiring processes. As you will see below, we are advertising for two job positions at UUCA: our Faith Formation Assistant/Camp Beagle Admiral and our Membership Coordinator. You may be confused, and asking: “Aren’t these positions currently filled?”

Our church values fair and equitable employment processes, and this past Fall we needed to staff these positions quickly. Therefore, we hired Sarah Devlin-Tremble as our Acting Faith Formation Assistant and Laura Schrank as our Acting Membership Coordinator. We are grateful that they jumped in and are appreciative of all that they have made possible over the past 6 months. Because at that time UUCA did not complete a full and transparent hiring process, Sarah and Laura were both hired under temporary, 6-month contracts, and were informed that we would conduct an open hiring process early in 2022. Both Sarah and Laura have the opportunity to apply for the permanent positions.

In the past few months, we ministers, the Personnel Committee, Julie Burman, and Pam Ausiello – with input from members of the Building Beloved Community Committee – have reviewed, revised, and standardized our hiring practices. We are committed to ensuring that these positions, as well as all future hiring procedures, are fair, equitable, and actively pursue our UU values, principles, and commitments. This includes actively recruiting people of color and those historically overlooked in hiring practices to consider and compete for UUCA positions. 

We are opening up these jobs to the public beginning on Wednesday, February 8, and closing the application period on Wednesday, March 1. The UUCA will strategically post these job announcements to reach a wider audience, and specifically BIPOC communities.

We hope you will share these job announcements within your communities and that we can work together to find the best people for UUCA’s current needs.  We want to hire staff that will help take us where we want to go as a growing and changing UU congregation.

Faith Formation Assistant/Camp Beagle Admiral

 Membership Coordinator

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please reach out to Rev. John. 

Thank you for being a part of shifting our practices towards equity and inclusion,


Revs. John and Anastassia