Gun Violence

Misplaced anger with guns equals violence and death.  We live in a culture of guns, violence, and death.  Fear of the “other” is the leading cause of death in our world.   Too many of our youth are being injured or dying from our lack of empathy and inaction; especially by adult lawmakers who use an outmoded understanding of the Second Amendment as an excuse for supporting special interests that profit off of our fear-based culture.   How much loss must we endure before there is justice?
Every white person in America now joins millions of brown and black people who have always felt unsafe in this country.  We must use our collective power to push for changes in gun laws. Use your anger and find a way to call for sensible laws that outlaw military grade weapons.
A few weeks ago, the County Executive in Maryland wrote a piece in his monthly newsletter telling his story of privilege and some of what he is trying to do to be accountable to the citizens in Anne Arundel County around racism and gun violence.  It is a good article that I have included in this post.
Allies, it’s time for you to step up and lift your voice regarding gun violence and the creation of assault weapon bans.   We cannot sit idly by any longer.  I will be searching for ways I can add my voice in this critical time in American history.
—Rev. John