Part 5: People Who Support

the Proposed Changes

to Article II of

the UUA Bylaws

By Heather Millar

May 18, 2023

This is the fifth in a series of articles about the proposed changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalists Association (UUA) bylaws. There is an important Zoom session this evening, May 18, about values and covenant and one on May 21 on Focus on Purpose, Inclusion, and Freedom of Belief.

In this article, we highlight the people who support reimagining Article II. Paula Cole Jones is one of the authors of our 8th Principle and a fierce advocater for all congregations adopting it. When she was here last weekend, she emphasized the need for this grassroots movement to adopt the 8th Principle to continue. She also pointed out that approval of the revised UUA bylaws Article II does not eliminate the 8th Principle. Each congregation votes to adopt the 8th Principle and it is then part of their core and requires action by the congregants. To refresh your memory, the 8th Principle states:

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

Paula Cole Jones is also a member of the Article II Study Commission, the group that synthesized the ideas gathered from thousands of UUs and then developed the new, proposed Article II. Last weekend she told us it is important that we have all 9 delegates represent UUCA at General Assembly in June and that we vote to approve this new expression of our core values and inspirations.

Also on the Study Commission are two teenagers. It is important to note that they and other young people have expressed strong support for this new version of Article II. Here is what one of these commissioners has written about this. From Satya Mamdani:

The Article Two Study Commission’s charge makes me think of one word: inheritance. As a UU Youth, I know that this commission’s work will impact the Unitarian Universalism that my generation inherits. Part of the commission’s charge involves the 8th Principle Project. As a person of color, I am deeply moved by the conversations about anti-racism and anti-oppression that have resulted from the 8th principle movement, as are the other members of the commission. 

Unless those of us with gray hair intend to live eternally, we need to listen to younger voices and not only “hear” what they say but implement what they say if Unitarian Universalism is to thrive.

Below are links to materials and virtual gatherings that provide additional information about the proposed revision of Article II.  

The following Zoom workshops to discuss amendments to the above-referenced Article II revision are open to all Unitarian Universalists; registration is required.