If you would like to have this month’s packet in full, please join one of our small groups. Contact Laura Schrank at:
What does it mean to be a people that are living love through the practice of invitation?
Welcome! A Soul Matters facilitator once shared, “I guess after plan A fails, I need to remember there’s still
a whole alphabet out there.”
- Option A: The Invitation that Isn’t Easy For Us
- Option B: The Invitation of a Story
- Option C: An Invitation to Proclaim (Your UU “Alter Call”)
- Option D: Aging’s Invitation to You
- Option E: Ask Them About Invitation
- Option F: Which Invitation Companion Piece Speaks to You?
- Your Question
- Companion Pieces
- Wise Words
- Videos & Podcasts
- Books
- Music
- Movies & TV
“If justice is what love looks like in public, then inclusion is what love looks like among groups.”
~ Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson
“Change is not a threat to your life, but an invitation to live.”
~ Adrienne Rich