Dear Beloved Community,

Our congregation is growing, and we want to understand who we are and what is meaningful to you regarding your experience at UUCA. This past fall we released the UUCA Census and so far, we have only had 49% of the congregation participate in the Census. The purpose of this basic census is to understand the demographics of who we are. It will help us know how well we are doing in becoming a welcoming and inclusive congregation. It is intended to be completed by all adults (18+) with any affiliation with UUCA.

You can participate in the UUCA Census by going to this link and sharing your responses. It should take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please note, this information will not be anonymous because we need to track responses to avoid duplication and ensure representation from all segments of our community – but the responses will only be seen by two people on the team, will be held strictly confidential and will never leave the platform. All results will be reported in summary and will not be connected to your unique answers in any way. If you need a paper copy of the Census, it can be found in the church office and completed forms can be placed in the mailbox of Jenn Pollitt Hill, Board Vice-President.

Please participate in the Census so we have the clearest picture of who our congregation is. Responses can be submitted through January 31, 2025. Should you have any questions or need help completing the survey, feel free to reach out to or call Jenn Pollitt Hill at 410-903-8705.