The Nominating Committee Presents

the Slate for the Board and

Nominating Committee Members


For the Board: Up for Election for terms of 2 years are the following:

  • Secretary – Carrie Kotcho for continuation in office
  • Finance Officer – Kari Alperowitz-Bichell for continuation in office
  • At-Large Board Member – Jenn Pollitt-Hill

 Heather Millar (President), Jane Carrigan (Vice-President), Stan Haavik & Peter Morse (At-Large Board Members) are in the middle of their terms. 

For the Nominating Committee: Up for Election for terms of 2 years are the following:

  • Carrie Baquie – continuation on Committee for another term
  • Dave Burman – continuation on Committee for another term
  • Linda Mundy
  • Shauntee Daniels
  • Jodi Delaney-Yates

 Jason Hitchcock, Tracy Gill, Nancy Eaton and Nancy Somers are in the middle of their terms.

 If anyone would like to self-nominate or nominate someone for the Board or Nominating Committee the process is as follows:

  • All Nominations must be made at least 7 days before the Annual Meeting, that is by May 10, 2020. 
  • A written Nomination signed by at least 10 Members of the Congregation as well as consent by the nominated person sent to UUCA Nominating Committee; 333 Dubois Road; Annapolis, MD 21012 or emailed to

 The nominated person’s name will then be added to the ballot for election at the Annual Congregational Meeting on May 17. The nominated person’s name will be published on the UUCA website by May 11 and in In The Know no later than May 12. According to our Bylaws, there will be NO nominations from the floor taken at the Annual Meeting. 

Bios of who is nominated:

Carrie Baquié has been active with UUCA for 20yrs. She attends with her husband, Alex, and 3 kids; Rosie, 15, Julia, 13, and Ben, 11. Carrie has been heavily involved as a part of the UUCA Intern Ministerial Search and Support Committee as well as engaged in UUCA’s Faith Formation program. Carrie is submitting for the Nominating Committee.

Carrie Kotcho has been a member of the UUCA for 23 years. She is up for Secretary. She has served as the church’s board member at Annapolis Area Ministries (aka The Light House Shelter) for ~12 years.  While there she helped rewrite the bylaws and transitioned the board of trustees to a policy governance board. Carrie also worked to diversify board membership and advocated for values based investing of Light House funds.  She worked on the board during the fundraising, planning, and construction of the new shelter on Hudson St. which opened in 2010. To read more about Ms. Kotcho’s contributions to the UUCA, please click HERE. 

Jenn Pollitt Hill has been a member of UUCA for the past 5 years.  She has served as a volunteer at Camp Beagle for two years, both her boys have gone through Faith Formation classes and she is currently a co-facilitator of the North Arundel small ministry group.  Jenn completed the inaugural spiritual leadership class at UUCA this past winter.  During the day, Jenn serves as an executive director of a Maryland-based nonprofit.


Jodi Delaney-Yates has been a member of UUCA for over 10 years.  She has been involved in many anti-racism groups, covenant groups, ran the sound booth and sometimes is a greeter.  She has a 19-year-old son who is a freshman in college and got married in 2018 to her 2nd husband Flip – they love to do lots of fun things such as ride their 3-wheeler, go to concerts at local, small venues and hang out with their many friends. 



Kari Alperovitz-Bichell and her spouse Jamie are long time UUCAers, having been part of the congregation since 1997. She has served as UUCA Finance officer since spring 2018. Over the years, Kari has been involved in many church activities including Journey Towards Wholeness (an earlier UUCA anti-racism group), Membership Committee, Covenant Group Steering Committee, Intern Committee, Nominating Committee, and UU Legislative Ministry (particularly in it’s efforts towards marriage equality and criminal justice reform). She also served on the search committee that ultimately recommended Reverend John as our Associate Minister. Kari works as a family physician at a community health center In Annapolis, taking care of underserved patients.  She also has experience managing budgets in her prior jobs as a medical director and a medical educator. She looks forward to the opportunity to continue to serve as  UUCA’s  finance officer. 

Linda Mundy has been a member of UUCA for over 10 years and credits our congregation for helping her learn how social justice requires education, relationship building, and action. Within our congregation, she has been an active leader with ACT Anne Arundel Connecting Together, the BBC  Building Beloved Community and participates in continuous racial justice and community organizing learning. Linda was a participant in the recent UUCA Leadership class and is motivated to create a healthy leadership development and support process that is focused on inclusion, training and relational community practice.

Shauntee Daniels am a UUCA trained facilitator, she’s been active with Coming to the Table. She has been on the Worship Lay Leaders team since 2014. This opportunity has allowed her to be a part of a very special group. Representing the congregation during the Chalice lighting and being a part of the group that plans and leads service is the most rewarding experience for her as a woman of color to preserve and represent her identity in the congregation.