Shining Lights 2020

Ken Apfel

Some people spend a lot of time serving the church, both out front and behind the scenes. I would like to honor someone who has done a lot of both. This person is a member of the Men’s group and an Usher for many years. He has served on the support team for both Rev. Kathleen and Rev. Christina. He is a member of the 8th Principle task force. He has served on the Finance, Endowment as well as Board President. Where would you find someone like that at this time? Working of course as a member of our Right Relations Committee. Ken Apfel. Thank you for everything you have done for our Congregation. I know I have only presented a shortlist of things you have done to make us a stronger Community

Presented by Rob Malone

Deb Boudra

Deb has been organizing the wonderful art shows in our Gallery since 1996. To do that she finds and books the artists; coordinates the installation, label-printing, and take-down of the shows; issues press releases for the public and advertises the shows within UUCA; and arranges a Meet the Artist reception at the Gallery. She loves promoting local and emerging artists and seeing their work sold with a 20% commission going to the church. She says, “You have no idea how a sale or two can encourage a faltering spirit!” While Deb learns and takes pleasure from these many artists, we are all taking pleasure from her efforts. It is with great appreciation that we award this Shining Light to Deb Boudra.

Presented by Nancy Somers 

Kateri Payne

Kateri Payne has spent many hours downstairs working hard to make sure our young children are enjoying their time spent here at UUCA. She has been a leader in Wonder and Love which is for our 2nd and 3rd graders and a reliable harbormaster for Camp Beagle since 2015. For those who go into the downstairs Faith Formation closet, you know the amount of work that went in to is reorganization Kateri played a huge role in that cleanup. She has been in a leadership role in the Full Circle Women’s group and has been particularly involved during the Corona Virus situation. Kateri, Thank You for all you have done for this congregation.

Presented by Jason Hitchcock

Max Ochs

Max Ochs began his long and strong association with Annapolis UU’s in 1956 when he was a teenager. He joined the Liberal Religious Youth and with minister Curtis Crawford, where they listened to Bird Parker jazz, read Alan Ginsberg’s “Howl” and other Beat Generation writers, as they talked about how cool James Dean was. Seduced by the music, Max joined the choir in 1976, 44 years ago! Under Reverend Bill Barnett, Max was chair of the social concerns committee after Diane Goforth stepped down.

Max, a bass, met Suzy, an alto, in the UU choir and fell in love. Fred Muir officiated at their wedding 33 years ago.
Max’s daughter India Ochs played for UUCAs Amazing Grays co-ed slow-pitch softball team when she was 14,  and now at age 44, she is running for AA Board of Education.

Max took a few turns teaching Sunday school, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades & jr high ages. He was a mentor for the Coming of Age class for a few years. He served on the Care Committee for about 5 years. Max furnished music for many a Sunday service, and in 1992, Max started the 333 Folk Music Coffeehouse. He ran it for 12 years and it is still going strong, 28 years of monthly concerts, albeit now at the Friends Meeting House.

Occasionally Max has led a few services at other UU Churches, but at UUCA mainly, based on Jewish holidays like Hanukkah. Max represents UUCA at the annual New Year’s Celebration offered by the Greater Annapolis Interfaith Network. And he still co-leads the Passover Seder with an original and traditional song every April (but not this year due to CoVid-19).

So thank you Max for being a Shining Light to us, thanks for your service, your activism, your inspiration, and your friendship.

presented by Tracy Gill