A Congregational Meeting

Summary and Message

From The Board 


Congregational Meeting Summary


Happy New Year UUCA! I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating whatever holidays bring you joy and that 2024 is beginning with hope and excitement for the year to come. My name is Nicole Bruno, and I am one of your Trustees-at-large board members. One of the (many) reasons I was excited to serve on the board for this term was my vision to provide better transparency and accountability to the congregation via board communication (as communications are a part of my day job!) So, I am happy to share that the board will be submitting a letter to ‘In The Know’ and our website once a month to keep members informed about what’s ‘behind the scenes’ at UUCA.  

The board meets regularly on the 4th or last Tuesday of the month except for July, August, and December. We invite you to sit in on these meetings as an observer anytime. Additionally, we encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding any board matters. We represent you and want to hear from you. As we move through 2024, we hope to hear from the various groups and committees that serve in all the varying capacities. Please accept our sincere thank you for your continued dedication, expertise, time, and resources. We wouldn’t be UUCA without every one of you. 

In lieu of a summary from a December board meeting, I am going to offer a summary of the Congregational Meeting. Please click below to view the Summary:

Congregational Meeting Summary

May the new year fill us all with laughter, light, and commitment to the growth of ourselves and each other.

 Nicole Bruno