A message from the

Director of Finance

and Administration


Members and Friends of UUCA,

I will be taking some leave in the coming weeks to see my mom through her next cancer treatment and care for my disabled brother and father with dementia.  I plan to return with renewed energy at the end of October.

I will be out starting September 19th.  Ashley Egan, an extension of our staff as UULM Administrative Assistant who I have worked with for 4 years, has been training alongside me for many months now and will be stepping in temporarily to provide me this needed time away. 

During this time, my email will still be functional as Ashley will be monitoring it.  So, please still send all requests/inquiries to pausiello@uuannapolis.org. I would ask you to call the office phone at 410-266-8044 and leave a message if you need to speak to Ashley about any matter. She is proactive, capable, and confidential. 

If any of you have a loved one with a disability, you can understand it often takes an infinite amount of patience and presence of mind to facilitate positive changes for the future. My brother has severe autism/cerebral palsy and is non-verbal. My sincere hope is I can acclimate him better to our community and friends who will be of assistance during this period as well as provide my mom a caretaking break as she goes through this challenge. No doubt, this has been a challenging time, but I am so grateful for the support of UUCA members and staff. 

Thanks for any prayers you can send my family’s way.  


Yours in faith and gratitude,


Dir. of Finance & Administration