Moving Forward, Part 4! – Final Installment

Moving Forward, Part 4! – Final Installment

Moving Forward, Part 4! – Final Installment Heather Millar, President This is the final installment of four articles reporting on what you said during our Congregational Conversation in February about Building Expansion Exploration Committee (BEEC2) Phase 1 plans and...
Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Proposed Bylaw Amendment

Proposed Bylaw Amendment Pat Fleeharty is proposing at the next Congregational Meeting, an amendment to the UUCA Bylaws, as part of “Section E – Vote” of “Bylaw V – Meetings,” which states, “Any decision or transaction, duly...
Moving Forward, Part 4! – Final Installment

Moving Forward, Part 3!

Moving Forward, Part 3! Heather Millar, President The last two weeks of In The Know have contained articles reporting the message clearly heard during our recent Congregational Conversation to give BEEC2 the green light to implement Phase 1 now. Along with support for...