UU Legislative Ministry News

UU Legislative Ministry News

UU Legislative Ministry News: March 10, 2021   We have seen how gun violence affects all of us, we have witnessed first-hand how the effects of one event ripple out into the community. We say that victims and their family deserve our “thoughts and prayers.”...
An Opportunity for Young Adults

An Opportunity for Young Adults

An Opportunity for Young Adults We are proud to introduce YARN, the UU Young Adult Revival Network.  YARN is a project to rebuild the continental UU young adult network!  This includes our growing identity groups, our worship services, monthly leadership calls, three...
UU Legislative Ministry News

UU Legislative Ministry Climate News

Click the link to contact your legislators or sign the petition: Call/write Legislators to support! https://act.chesapeakeclimate.org/page/25798/call/1 Sign petition! https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/i-support-climate-solutions-now/ Request information:...
Orientation: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven

Orientation: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven

In 1977 the UUA General Assembly unanimously passed the Women & Religion Resolution, calling on all individual UUs and UU organizations to examine and put aside sexist assumptions, attitudes, and language; to explore and eliminate religious roots of sexism in...
UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party

UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party

The above image is linked to the Zoom address that you will use on March 20.   UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party   Join us for UUCA’s first virtual Dance Party hosted via Zoom on Saturday, March 20, 7:00-9:00 pm EST.   Questions? Contact Jackie...