Please check out this testimonial from Mary Grace Folwell about why she and her husband give generously to UUCA. It is a beautiful message!
We have a participation rate of close to 30% in our pledge drive so far, which is very good! We are hoping to get to 100% participation in less than 2 weeks on March 26th. To achieve our goal, we need everyone to record a pledge for this one-time 18-month cycle. EVEN if you give monthly and plan to stay at your current pledge level. Even if you gave an annual gift in 2022 that carries through to 2023. We still need to hear from you! The pledge is the promise that allows the church to budget. To understand how much we can fund the 18-month budget passed in December 2022 by the congregation – we need to have everyone tell us what they are planning to give – during that same 18-month period. This is soooo important and cannot be overstated.
- By completing the hard copy pledge form available at the church
- Complete the electronic pledge form online (see details below)
Last Friday we launched the electronic pledge form. Please visit this link to make your pledge or go to uuannapolis.org and select “Make Your Pledge” in the “Giving” menu. Our online pledge form will guide you through the process and allow you to submit your pledge electronically. After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your submission. This is a very fast and convenient way to submit your pledge anytime from the comfort of your home, or anywhere else you can get to our website!
If you have any questions, please contact Charlie Gross or Mary Ann Stein.
All our best,
Your Stewardship Core Team