Our stewardship drive “Back to a Better Future” drive for this special 18-month period is complete! Yay us! We have done an excellent job! We ALL share in this achievement. The Ministers, Stewardship Core Team, Stewardship Volunteers, and all the members who have already pledged and who are planning to pledge just after the buzzer! To one and all we say THANKS!
Here is where we ended up:
Total 2023 Pledge $ | $782,777 | |
% participation | 70% | |
% towards financial goal | 86% | |
% of pledges increased | 34% | |
# pledges received | 180 | |
# pledges yet to be received | 96 | |
% of pledges decreased | 17% | |
Average Pledge | $4,349 | |
Median Pledge | $2,700 |
We got close to our participation goal of 80%! But not close enough for Charlie to lose his mustache!! Our complete financial goal is $915K. We estimate that with the as-yet unpledged auto-payers, we’ll hit $898,150 – which puts us at 98% of our goal!!! An amazing feat! The stewardship core team is still following up with the families who have not pledged yet, and we will be able to report the final numbers at the congregational meeting in June 2023. And let’s not forget we are growing at a tremendous rate, and new members will continue to make pledges on a rolling basis as they join over the course of the next 15 months. So we will be able to count these NEW contributions to our overall goal. We have every confidence that we will meet or even exceed the $915K budgetary goal set. Thank you to everyone in our beloved community for going “Back to a Better Future” with us! We enjoyed the ride! We hope you did too. As ever, if you have any questions about the pledge drive or your own personal pledge, please reach out to Charlie Gross or Mary Ann Stein.
Your Stewardship Core Team