That’s all folks!! It is a wrap!
Final Numbers below …
Total 2023 Pledge $ | $892,069 | |
% participation | 94% | |
% towards financial goal | 97% | |
% of pledges increased | 34% | |
# pledges received | 237 | |
# pledges yet to be received | 32 | |
% of pledges decreased | 19% | |
Average Pledge | $3,764 | |
Median Pledge | $2,250 | |
Estimated Yet to Come from Unpledged | $36,828 | |
Estimated Final Total | $928,897 |
Our complete 18-month budgetary financial goal is $915,000. We are estimating that our final pledge number will exceed that goal by nearly $24,000 thanks to your support! Great job! Thank you to everyone in our beloved community for going “Back to a Better Future” with us! We enjoyed the ride! We hope you did too. Next year’s drive will be starting in the Fall for planning. If you would like to be a part of the stewardship core team, please reach out to Reverend AZ. As ever, if you have any questions about the pledge drive or your own personal pledge or payments, please reach out to Mary Ann Stein.
Your Stewardship Core Team