Be Prepared!

Heather Millar, President

Our Congregational Annual Meeting is scheduled for next Sunday, April 11, after the service. At this meeting, we will elect new leaders, recognize deserving Shining Lights, hear updates on our building plans including financing, and lots more. A major issue to decide is whether we want to amend our Bylaws. 

Please take the time to be familiar with the information in this article. Our congregational meetings are scheduled for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Members need to come prepared to enable us to complete our agenda in that amount of time. 

Pre-registration for this Meeting enables staff to check-in members during the worship service and expedites the start of the meeting. Please complete this pre-registration form by clicking  (HERE).

The Nominating Committee is engaged in final preparations for the April meeting, developing their slate of officers to be considered and identifying this year’s Shining Lights to be recognized. There will be a special presentation by Building Beloved Community (BBC). We will also receive reports from the Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2) and our ministers and an update on our operating budget.

These gatherings are important for us to come together as a community. Even though we continue to meet virtually, we need to stay engaged and listen to each other as we move FORWARD towards the beloved community we dream about. 

We are scheduling one more Congregational Conversation for this coming Sunday, Easter, April 4, during After Hour to provide an additional opportunity for members to seek clarification about any of the items to be considered at the Congregational Meeting. Use this Zoom link to attend: The more we know ahead of the meeting, the more likely we are to complete our business within the time allotted. 

Congregational Annual Meeting

Via Zoom

April 11, 2021, 11:10 am to 12:55 pm

Pre-Register Here!


We are scheduling one more Congregational Conversation to provide an additional opportunity for members to seek clarification about any of the items to be considered at the Congregational Meeting. 

Meeting ID: 829 504 40003

Update of BEEC2 Phase 1 including construction progress and financing options

  • BBC Presentation
  • Reports
  • Proposed Bylaw Amendment
  • Election of President, Vice President, Board of Trustees At-Large, Nomination  Committee
  • Shining Lights

Proposed Bylaw Amendment:

At its February meeting, the Board did not support the proposed amendment, concluding that a more effective means to address this situation is through a Feedback Policy, a draft of which was considered during the March Board meeting and is now being finalized.

To learn more, one additional Congregational Conversation is scheduled for this Sunday, April 4, 2021, during After Hour. Here is the Zoom link to this conversation.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis

Annual Congregational Meeting –

April 11, 2021Using Zoom,

Following the Morning Worship Service

Agenda Draft 4/2/2021

From our Safe Congregation Covenant – We covenant to affirm and promote: Honesty and authenticity in our relationships; Words that are supportive and caring not belittling or demeaning; A welcoming and non-judgmental attitude; Respect for each person’s boundaries of mind, body and spirit; Listening to one another.

Chalice Lighting & Opening Words: Rev. John Crestwell    2 minutes

Call to Order, Establish Quorum, Introduction of 

Right Relations Committee: Jane Carrigan, Vice President     4 minutes

Introduce 2020-2021 Board of Trustees: Heather     3 minutes

Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2) Update:

Jeanne Jehl, Craig Beyler BEEC2 Chairs;     8 minutes

  1. ADA Ramp and ADA shower
  2. Communication with the County
  3. RFP

Financing Options: Rev. John   3 minutes

Building Beloved Community (BBC):   10 minutes 

Proposed Bylaw Amendment: Pat Fleeharty   20 minutes

Pat Fleeharty is proposing an amendment to the UUCA Bylaws, as part of Section E – of Bylaw V – Meetings: Any decision or transaction, duly approved by a majority vote, can only be overturned or significantly modified by a vote at a subsequent Congregational Meeting.

    1. Presentation

Discussion moderator: Ken Apfel

  1. Vote

Financial & Investing Update:

Kari Alperovitz-Bichell, Finance Officer, Liz Yoder, Investment Officer     8 minutes

Executive/Ministers’ Annual State of our Union: 

Rev. John Crestwell, Rev. Anastassia Zinke   10 minutes

Master Grounds Team: Scott Eden, Chair     3 minutes

Votes on the Nominating Committee Slates: Linda Mundy, Chair   10 minutes

For the Officers and Board of Trustees At-Large members: Up for Election for terms of 2 years are the following:

President – Jane Carrigan

Vice President – Jenn Pollitt Hill

At-Large Board Members;

Peter Morse and Stan Keeve for full 2 years

Jan Bird for 1 year to complete Jenn Pollitt Hill’s term

Note: Carrie Kotcho (Secretary) and Kari Alperovitz-Bichell (Finance Officer) are in the middle of their terms. 

For the Nominating Committee: Up for terms of 2 years are the following:

Sally Wood, Mike Wanhatalo, Graham Smith, Peggie O’Dea and Karen Murphy-Keddell

Note: Linda Mundy, Jodi Delaney-Yates, Shauntee Daniels and Dave Burman are in the middle of their terms.

Member Recognition: Shining Lights of 2020-21: Linda Mundy     14 minutes

Report of the Right Relations Committee:     3 minutes                                 

Next Steps: Incoming UUCA President:     5 minutes   

Closing Words & Extinguish the Chalice: Rev. Anastassia Zinke     2 minutes


Rules to use for the April 11, 2021  using Zoom

  1. We want to work towards consensus. We will not use Robert’s Rules. We will vote to make decisions official, but hopefully not until all or almost all understand the proposal and fully support it or at least do not have any new additional information to add.
  2. How to participate indiscussions using Zoom on the internet:All will be on mute except for staff and the moderator. To be recognized, raise your Zoom hand and staff will announce when it is your turn and unmute you for up to 1 minute. If you have a follow up question or comment, you will be given up to an additional 30 seconds. No one should speak more than once until all who wish to speak have spoken and time remains.
  3. How to participate in discussions using a phone: Periodically during the discussion, the moderator will ask if you have comments or questions. Staff will unmute all on the phone and you will be given the opportunity to speak for up to 1 minute with an opportunity for up to 30 seconds for a follow-up question or comment. 
  4. Technical issues on the internet: private chat ______ or text or call _____.
  5. Technical issues on the phone: text or call _____.
  6. Voting using Zoom: We will vote using the Zoom poll. Motions will be posted on the screen twice. Most members will vote the first time the motion is posted. One member using one device will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen. If two members are using one device, one member will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen and the other member will wait and vote as member B the second time the motion appears on the screen. Motions will be put in “yes, no or abstain” format.
  7. Voting by phone: Members on the phone have a choice to vote publicly or they may text or call _____ and give their name and yes, no or abstain. The name is so we can check eligibility to vote. Only the staff member who takes your text or call will know your name. Your name will not be communicated with your vote to the administrator who calculates the results of the vote.
  8. The amount of time scheduled is adhered to, unless there is a motion to extend.
  9. In accordance with our Bylaws, no nominations from the floor will be accepted. 
  10. We once again have a Right Relations Committee who will be available throughout the meeting for you to contact if you want to report something that makes you uncomfortable or that you feel should come to the attention of the Board or staff. Process, attitude or content that you feel should not be ignored are appropriate to report to them. Also, we welcome positive comments and feelings. Serving us are _____, _____ and _____. To contact them text or call _____ or email at They will make a brief report at the end of the meeting.

UUCA Vision Statement At UUCA we developed a Vision Statement that we approved during our 2017 December Congregational Meeting
At UUCA we value and aspire to:.

  • Courageously seek authentic relationships across differences
  • Move ourselves, our church, and our Earth toward justice, wholeness, connection and love
  • Engage in a lifelong journey of learning and spiritual growth
  • Practice radical hospitality, acceptance and inclusivity
  • Provide a haven for all beliefs and identities that align with UU Principles

UUCA Ends Statements
We have a Global Ends Statement followed by Three Ends Statements. They are:
Global Ends Statement – The UUCA exists to create the Beloved Community by inspiring and empowering all souls to live bold and compassionate lives.

  1. Faith Development – UUCA creates meaningful opportunities for deepening spirituality for all persons within a safe and challenging environment. 
  2. Social and Environmental Justice– UUCA’s theological and spiritual culture calls us to put our principles into action by creating and supporting systems that address environmental and social injustices. 
  3. Larger UU Movement – UUCA creates meaningful opportunities that encourage participation and leadership in the larger UU community to promote the growth of Unitarian Universalism. 

UUA 7 Principles plus Resolution to Support the 8th Principle

  1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Resolution: In April 2018 we voted to support the 8th Principle to accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.