Cakes for the Queen of Heaven by Shirley Ann Ranck will be presented by the Full Circle Spiritual Group of UUCA. This is a five-session religious education curriculum in feminist theology for women and those who identify as female or non-binary, and 18 and older.  Sessions begin on April 11 from 1 pm to 3 pm and continue on April 25, May 16, and June 6 and 7. This is a FREE program; we just ask that you intend to attend all 5-sessions to the best of your ability. The program is an examination of our prehistory and early history of feminine theology. We will discover the rich history of the Goddess and feminine spirituality, explore our understanding of the mythical stories and their impact on today, and attempt to reclaim the contribution of women’s art, literature, and religion.  

To register prior to April 11,

To see a replay of the orientation, For any questions, please email