UUCA built its current home in 1969 after several families placed liens on their own homes for collateral on a bank loan to pay for initial construction. Now over 430 members strong, we’ve just completed our main entrance renovation. We installed an accessible full bath, stage ramp, sprinkler system, and fencing. Funding came from individuals, a 2011 capital campaign, and loans from a local bank and our Endowment Fund. Churches typically run capital campaigns every seven to 10 years. They raise about twice their annual income. For UUCA, that would be about … a million dollars. The Board of Trustees formed the CCEC (Capital Campaign Exploration Committee) to gather ideas for a major drive to expand our mission as a progressive beacon of hope here and beyond.
Ready to fill out your Feed Forward form? Click here!
WHAT is a Capital Campaign?
It’s an intense fundraising effort to raise a specific amount of money in a defined period of time to build assets and capacity. It catalyzes new programs to further our mission. Download our PDF with more information!
Annual giving supports ongoing costs such as salaries, office supplies and operational expenditures.
Long-term stewardship fosters planned gifts to support the health and stability of UUCA over time.
With a capital campaign, we can:
- Strengthen our Beloved Community
- Enter our next phase debt-free
- Make sure everything works
- Enhance UUCA’s culture of giving
- Honor those who came before us
Join us for any or all of four phases in 2024:
The W’s and an H:
- Who: Our Story
- What does it mean to explore?
- Why now?
- When can we start?
- How will we do the work?
Sunday, April 28: Middle Hour at UUCA with live Zoom simulcast
Monday, April 29: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Feed FORWARD Conversations – April 30 through mid-September 2024
- We all benefit from forward thinking!
- The CCEC will visit small groups within UUCA to gather ideas.
- We’ll hold collective in-person sessions with remote simulcast, and separate Zoom events.
- Congregants may submit suggestions via this link to the Feed FORWARD survey.
Group Meetings arranged in advance- contact Jamie or Dianne for more information
Monday, June 17: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Sunday, June 23: In-person, After Hour Luncheon and live Zoom simulcast
Thanks in advance for responding to our call for participation. We want to give everyone a chance to share their hopes and dreams for UUCA. Your Feed FORWARD suggestions will clarify your ideas. Please complete and submit by August 1.
FEED BACK CONVERSATION – September through early December 2024
- The CCEC will hold another series of talks to discuss our findings.
- Looking forward to the December 2024 Membership meeting, we’ll strive to find common ground.
- We’ll prepare recommendations for the vote to determine if the congregation is ready to start a capital campaign next year.
TBA in late September: Middle Hour at UUCA with live Zoom simulcast
TBA September: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Feed Back survey form for additional responses will be available online.
TBA December: Vote to go forward with a campaign endorsed by the congregation, or choose another path.
For more information email:
“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” ~ Maya Angelou

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~ Socrates
Special thanks to our 2024 CCEC team!
Co-chairs: Jamie Harms & Dianne Moreau
Members: Dave Burman, Mickey Goldberg, James Hack, Jeanne Jehl, and Linda Rhoads.