What’s your Path to Ending Racism?

What’s your Path to Ending Racism?

What’s your Path to Ending Racism? Hello there Fellow Justice Seekers!  This is Jenn Pollitt Hill, a member of the 8th Principle Implementation Group. Our group has been talking about leveraging our collective wisdom to compose a list of resources to help guide us on...
Poor People’s Campaign

Poor People’s Campaign

On June 18, people from all across the country are coming together to mount a challenge against the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the denial of healthcare, and the distorted moral narrative of religious...
Guest Speaker Matt Meyer at UUCA on June 12!

Guest Speaker Matt Meyer at UUCA on June 12!

Guest Speaker Matt Meyer at UUCA on June 12!     Matt Meyer Sunday Service (June 12, 2022) “It Takes Practice” Our favorite songs, whoever the artist or whatever the style, were created in a strange alchemy of study and inspiration, strict practice, and...