UU Legislative Ministry Climate News

UU Legislative Ministry Climate News

Click the link to contact your legislators or sign the petition: Call/write Legislators to support! https://act.chesapeakeclimate.org/page/25798/call/1 Sign petition! https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/i-support-climate-solutions-now/ Request information:...
Sign up for Camp Beagle 2021

Sign up for Camp Beagle 2021

Camp Beagle Sign up for Camp Beagle 2021 July 12 -16 Hybrid and Virtual Options   Camp Beagle Registration is open until Sunday, March 14. Sign up ASAP as we have fewer spots this year!   Camp Beagle Registration: https://tinyurl.com/CampBeagleRegistration...
UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party

UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party

The above image is linked to the Zoom address that you will use on March 20.   UUCA Family and Friends Spring Dance Party   Join us for UUCA’s first virtual Dance Party hosted via Zoom on Saturday, March 20, 7:00-9:00 pm EST.   Questions? Contact Jackie...