Previous Statements of Core Values: Part 4 Proposed Changes to Article II

HURRAY! Part 3 Proposed Changes to Article II

HURRAY!  Part 3: Proposed Changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws By Heather Millar, May 4, 2023 Saturday, I completed a Zoom session on the proposed reimagining of Article II of the UUA bylaws. I learned some astounding things that I will share in future articles and...
Previous Statements of Core Values: Part 4 Proposed Changes to Article II

An Explanation Of UU Core Values Part 2

An Explanation Of UU Core Values Part 2 of an examination of proposed changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws By Heather Millar   After processing material gathered from numerous individuals and groups over several years, the Article II Study Commission...
Afghan Family Update

Afghan Family Update

Afghan Family Update   Hamid, the father of the family, has been working for the last six months at a job in his professional field, mapping engineering.  Unfortunately, his job involves outdoor surveying which is hard on his legs and feet, which had been broken...