Create Climate Justice

2022 Sessions




Together, we can face the overwhelm of climate crisis with faithful resilience and supportive community.

Join us on September 27, October 25, and November 15 for these interactive, 90-minute workshops on local congregational climate action.

When disaster or crisis strikes, many of our members turn to their congregations for support – tangible and spiritual. Our congregations are spaces of faith development, prophetic power, and community care. Our congregations – your congregation – can and continue to provide shelter, offer respite, and literally save lives. 

When our congregations are truly rooted in our Unitarian Universalist values, the work of collective liberation naturally follows. We know that as spiritual leaders and ministers within our congregations, you are shaping communities that, each and every day, strive to deepen their commitment to our faith’s values and calls. That is why we are writing to you today with a critical invitation to your congregation to live into the hope and courage of our faith. 

Our Climate Disaster Response series is geared towards congregations who are committed to being responsive to the needs of their broader communities in times of crisis and disaster. Our approach with this series is honest and full of care – we know that climate disaster impacts all of us in different ways, so how can we face that reality with a prepared understanding of our relationship, responsibility, and power to support those who are most impacted? From grounding ourselves in the climate risks most prevalent in our communities, to developing plans of action, to staying in conversation with our faith peers, this series is designed to turn the overwhelming nature of climate disaster into a known and collectively addressable entity. Rooted in the belief that shared knowledge and faith are essential to Beloved Community, this series will provide the climate activists and teams in your congregation with essential tools to build a climate disaster preparedness approach that lifts up the best of Unitarian Universalism in your community. 

 We ask that you amplify and share this invitation with members of your congregation, in the hopes that one or more members attend to help lead these efforts with you. We know that these days there are so many ways in which our leaders are called to live out our Unitarian Universalist faith, and we hope that you and others in your congregation will answer this call, as a way to build more responsive, relational, and resilient communities in the face of climate change and crisis. 

The series offerings that we invite you and your congregation to are:

We hope that you will share this opportunity for faith development, prophetic power, and community care with your congregation, and look forward to collaborating with you in building resilient & responsive communities!

In faith and justice,

Rachel Myslivy

Climate Justice Organizer

Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team



Rev. Ranwa Hammamy

Congregational Justice Organizer

Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team