Donate or Pledge
All donations, pledges, and payments are now going through one link.
You may also use the QR code below:
Current Year Pledge
The pledge you will make in March is for the coming church year from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026. An increase in your pledge helps UUCA to realize our big dreams! By contributing to the pledge drive, you help maintain our welcoming community and support the meaningful programs that make UUCA a beloved community. Your thoughtful and generous contributions ensure the continued success of our community. If you would like a visiting steward to contact you and make a visit, please contact Evelyn Spurgin.
Pledge Drive Details
Dates: March 9th – March 30th 2025
Goal: $850,000
Pledge Period: 12 months from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026
Suggested Increase: 5%
We invite you to embark on a journey of generosity and community spirit as we launch our Annual Pledge Drive. Your support is vital to sustaining the vibrant programs and operations of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. We can move forward together!
Donation to the Church
ID Contribution – This fund is for visitors/guests or even those who attend regularly but don’t want to make a financial commitment. Maybe you want to share a little that you have at the moment to help the church. Even small gifts are truly appreciated! ID Contributions make up a percentage of the budget that helps the overall functioning of the church as well. To donate to UUCA, click here. Please select ID Contribution from the drop-down menu.
Stocks & Securities
Procedures for donations of Securities (stocks, mutual funds, IRAs) to UUCA. Please alert Linda Epps, about any impending transactions when possible. Click HERE for the instructions on how to donate stocks & securities.
Share the Plate
This collection is typically asked for on Sunday. It’s a special collection taken up benefitting that month’s cause. See the designations below. When you are attending zoom worship on Sunday instructions will be provided on how to “Share the plate”. We also have a text to give feature easily accessible just for this fund.
To support both organizations outside UUCA and UUCA, click here. Please select Share the Plate from the drop-down menu.
Other Opportunities to Give
If you are interested in finding other ways to support the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, please contact Linda Epps.