Pledge Payments Account for

85% of our Income!




 Payments on pledges are behind and cash flow is low. A summer slump is normal but we need your support. If you are behind on your pledge, please make a payment as soon as you can. Pledges can also be made online. If you need to adjust your pledge, please call the church office at 410-266-8044. If we all do our part, we can keep our Beloved Community strong! 


Over the summer, it’s typical that income to the church drops while folks are busy traveling and enjoying the season. For the months of May, June, and July the church has spent approximately $22,000 more than we received in revenue.  This is not an uncommon summer pattern, but a bit uncomfortable. Our expenses for the year are actually $4,500 per month less than budgeted, so we are doing a good job of controlling costs. However, the problem is on the revenue side of the ledger. This is where your pledges really make a difference. To enable us to catch up, we are asking everyone who is behind in their pledge payments to make an effort to keep current on their commitments. This will help us get income better in line with expenses and ensure that we move into Fall programming on solid ground. If you are not sure where you stand with respect to your pledge payments, please call the church office at 410-266-8044 for more information. Thank you for your support!

Jenn Pollitt Hill

Finance Officer