Fire Escape Plan

During Building Construction

It is important for everyone to know what to do in case of emergency, especially while our front entrance is unusable during construction. Assuming the hallway is safe, here is how we will exit the building: 

From the sanctuary, people on the choir side of the room nearest the windows can leave through the single door at the back of the room, down the deck stairs, and continue past the Memorial Garden to the Labyrinth area.

From the rest of the room, people will exit through the folding divider curtain.  From there, people can either go out through the double doors to their right or continue down the hallway and exit through the doors opposite the office wing. Those who exit opposite the office wing should continue to the geothermal field, (off the sidewalk and straight up the hill towards Lawrence Drive).  Parents of children in Faith Formation classes should exit onto the deck, so they can easily meet their children at the Labyrinth area. They should not attempt to meet them in their classroom as the children will have already exited the building.  Persons with mobility issues should exit via the doors at the end of the hallway, so they can avoid the deck stairway. Do not use the lift.

Classes downstairs will exit through their exterior classroom doors with their teachers and go past the Memorial Garden to the Labyrinth area, and meet with their parents there.

It is important that everyone stay in their safety areas, and NOT try to go to their cars, as the driveways and parking lots must be kept clear for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles

Specific tasks:

Ushers/greeters will lead people to their safety sites; asking the person directly behind them to hold/prop open the doors.

Julie and/or her designate will check the bathrooms and make sure downstairs is clear as she/they leave the building.

Upstairs, Worship Leader(s) will check restrooms on their way out of the building, as well as the offices, shutting doors behind them to indicate that they have been checked.

In the event that the hallway is impassable, everyone upstairs will need to exit the building through the side doors to the deck and go down the deck stairs to the safety area near the Labyrinth.  In that event, please help those with mobility issues to exit safely.