Gallery 333

Curator Robin Gilliam presents: “Making Art with Film and Computers – And Just Making Art.”

Gallery 333’s July/August show celebrates lifelong learning and exploration. Anne Arundel Community College students from B&W Film and Alternative Processes classes demonstrate their program’s dual emphasis on technical proficiency and creative expression—plus share their love of other mediums including ceramics.
Mark your calendar now: A celebratory in-person reception will be held at UUCA on Sunday, August 25.

 For any questions or concerns, please contact Alana Buie at  Be sure to follow us on Instagram: @UUCAGallery333.

Please click this link to access our previous shows.

Gallery 333 has a mission to empower local artists, to provide a venue for emerging artists, and to bring to the congregation quality, affordable visual arts.  The Gallery raises funds for UUCA-sponsored projects through a 25% commission from sales.   To download a Sales Slip, click here

The Gallery at 333 is available online until further notice.   For more information about the Gallery, or if you are interested in the possibility of showing your work at Gallery 333, contact Alana Buie.