Gallery 333 Meet the Artist:

Six Zooming Artist on April 18!



Gallery 333 continues a virtual exhibit from March 1 through April 30 showcasing works from the “Six Zooming Artists”. The exhibit, “Monday Musings”, is a collection of works from each of the six local artists in the group. The exhibit consists primarily of watercolor paintings but also includes some works in mixed media, acrylic, and graphite pencil. This group of artists met while taking Monday classes at Maryland Hall, beginning in the spring of 2016 and continuing through the various sessions offered there until the start of the pandemic last March. In an effort to continue their work, to support each other, and to provide an outlet from challenging times, the group decided to continue to get together virtually to discuss each other’s work and offer tips, suggestions, and encouragement. The exhibit showcases their various styles and interests and is a reflection of their individuality as well as their ability to find a way to continue connection through their art. The artists are Genie Crawford, Lisa McKnight, Laura Norton, Diane Ratcliff, Karen Watt, and John Wider. 

The exhibit can be viewed at There will be a virtual Meet the Artists event Sunday, April 18  at 11:10 AM.  Use the web address above either to find the link to view the current show or to view the recording of the Meet the Artist Zoom