Affinity Groups

An affinity group is a small group that gathers around shared interests or activities. We hope that you will find a place among one or more of our groups, filled with people of like-mind or similar life experiences, with whom you can meet and really “be yourself.” 

Dinners for Eight

Dinners for Eight is a fun, informal way for members, newcomers, and friends to get to know each other better. Hosts organize the potluck-style Dinner in their home for 4-8 guests. The composition of groups and hosts differ each time. Open to all! 120 of us are currently signed up. Upcoming dates:
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025
  • Saturday, March 29, 2025

Contact: Bill Snell

Green Living Group

3rd Sunday of each month from 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

The Green Living Group is an interest group focused on the many aspects of our lives that impact climate change and our environment.   We have had or will have sessions on diet, plastics, green burial, finances, energy choices, travel choices, clothing, composting, and native landscaping.

Contact: Scott Eden

Wednesday Men’s Breakfast Group

1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at the Light House Bistro, 202 West St, Annapolis.

The Men’s Breakfast Group is an informal gathering of male church participants who enjoy talking about various topics from history, news, politics, religion, etc. There is no required commitment and we encourage a wide-ranging conversation. We meet in person. 

Contact: Randy Goldberg Don Patterson