Community Partnerships
UUCA Reaches Out
UUCA reaches out and back to organizations in the wider community who share Unitarian Universalist values. Below are a few of the organizations we appreciate as partners and friends.
Annapolis Immigration Justice Network (AIJN)
Since becoming a Sanctuary Congregation, various individuals have begun work in three distinct areas for immigrants: Community Outreach, Hosting, and Advocacy. Member Stephanie Anderson is the
The Center of Help- www.centrodeayuda.org – is a community resource and referral centre that assists Latino-Hispanic and other new American families in Annapolis, Anne Arundel
Coming to the Table (CTTT) www.ComingToTheTable.org is a non-faith based organization with ten years of experience in creating understanding through conversations. CTTT provides leadership, resources, and a supportive environment for all who wish to acknowledge and heal wounds from racism. CTTT meets every 3rd Monday of the month at 7 pm at UUCA. Join @ComingtotheTable Facebook online and get access to a listserv with local events about conversations, learning
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) www. ShowingUpforRacialJustice.org SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. Contact: Melissa Merritt.
Black Lives Matter & Black Lives of UU – UUCA Supports the BLM movement that demands that black lives are just as important as all other lives. This has historically not been the case. We also support BLUU http://www.blacklivesuu.com/ which was formed in the wake of several conversations among Black UUs at the July 2015 Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland, OH. The BLUU Organizing Collective works to provide support, information & resources for Black Unitarian Universalists. They also work to expand the role & visibility of Black UUs. Contact Rev. John Crestwell.
Social Justice through Collective Power
Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT), is a collective empowerment partnership with a national organization, IAF, and nearly three dozen area-wide religious and non-religious organizations in Anne Arundel County who are committed to doing long-term community-based organizing around important issues that impact all. Look for more information about how you can get involved in this community-based organization. Contact Linda Mundy.
Greater Annapolis Interfaith Network (GAIN) www.gainonline.org a local interfaith organization made up of several religious communities (Christian and non-Christian) in Anne Arundel County, MD that is committed to achieving community and justice through interfaith partnerships. UUCA is a member of GAIN and participates in forums, interfaith dialogues on social issues, and in GAIN’s annual New Year’s Eve interfaith worship service where hundreds attend. Contact: Liz Vanden
Social Justice Through Legislation
UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland * https://www.uulmmd.org – The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland (UULM-MD) is a statewide advocacy network of Unitarian Universalists. We work to educate, mobilize, and coordinate UUs on specific issues before the Maryland General Assembly. Working in coalition with established state and national organizations, we as UUs model reverence for the interdependent web of all existence which fosters justice, health, and equity in society. We encourage you to join us on this journey as we engage Marylanders, expand freedom and nurture an inclusive,
Social Justice through Service
The Arthur L. Hansen Prison Ministry Program* is an emotional/social literacy and conflict resolution program that provides healing and coping skills to inmates at the Maryland Correctional Institute – Jessup (MCI-J, a medium-security men’s prison. We teach two classes: ‘Houses of Healing’ and ‘Nonviolent Communication.’ These provide skills in emotional literacy, mindfulness, self-empowerment, and nonviolent communication giving the incarcerated a greater ability to associate and interact successfully in and out of prison.
After completing a class, participants often share what they learned with fellow inmates struggling with more effective ways to resolve conflicts and heal broken relationships – within themselves, with others in the prison, and with their family and friends on the outside. These 16-week in-depth programs are transformative for both the participants and the volunteers who facilitate meetings. Contact: Rev John Crestwell, Lead: jcrestwell@uuannapolis.org. Houses of Healing class, Caroline Hadley.
The Light House, A Homeless Prevention Support Center, has been steadfast in its mission of rebuilding lives with service and compassion by providing shelter, preventing homelessness and empowering people in Anne Arundel County as they work to become self-sufficient for over two decades. Our UUCA congregation makes and serves dinner on the 2nd Saturday each month. Also, each year, during the month of March, we are responsible for keeping the shelter’s food pantry stocked. We also assist with fundraising events, as well as arranging in-kind services from specialists from our congregation (doctors, dentists, tradesmen, etc.). Contact: John Fischer.
Habitat for Humanity*** International’s goal to eliminate poverty housing throughout the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Along with other local congregations, our church works with the Chesapeake chapter of Habitat for Humanity, where we seek to raise money to build a home every two to three years. Contact: Patrick Fleeharty.