Leave a Legacy Gift to UUCA
Planned Giving at UUCA
“Our mission is to inspire all to lead bold and compassionate lives…”
The origin of the word “philanthropy,” generally attributed to the Ancient Greeks, means “love of humanity.” Over time, philosophers have generally defined “philanthropy” as private initiatives for the public good that focus on the quality of life. Alan Alda, a famous actor and now a philanthropist, perhaps put it simply and best when he said: “The idea behind meaningful philanthropy is a desire to change the world for the better.”
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis has been actively involved in changing the world for the better for over 60 years. There have been many hearts, hands, and minds who have made it the dynamic community that it is. In addition to those talents, members have left financial gifts to UUCA. Because of their foresight and generosity, UUCA is able to be generous to others in need.
UUCA encourages all members, friends, and those whose lives have been touched by this community to consider making a legacy gift to UUCA. Legacy Gifts can come in many forms: cash, appreciated securities, retirement plan assets, Life Insurance, etc.
Are you interested in putting UUCA in your will? If so, it’s easy! Simply fill out this letter of intent, and hit “send” to our Business Administrator. A minister will be in touch with you to talk about your letter of intent and to personally thank you for your gift.
Are you interested in leaving a legacy gift? If so, contact us for more information. For more information about Charitable Giving Planning Strategies, click here. For more information about Planned Giving to UUA, or creating a Planned Giving/Legacy Society at UUCA, click here.