Lunch and Learn:

Fatal Path To Judgment: Laws of Racial Control and Oppression from Maryland’s Founding to Post-Revolution



Date and Time: Thursday, March 11, 2021, 1:00 pm

Hosts: Presented by The Maryland State Archives in collaboration with The
Enoch Pratt Free Library and The Maryland Four Centuries Project

Speaker: Chris Haley, Director, Study of the Legacy of Slavery in Maryland

Location: Online Event, View Stream Information

Laws reflect a civilization at a certain time. They address the activities of a community, either to modify, standardize or cease a practice. Slavery was an institution that reflected its time, and its legacy continues to impact our present and color our future. Please join the Maryland State Archives’ Legacy of Slavery in Maryland Program Director Chris Haley who will explore this topic through national and local figures, primary and secondary source records, images, and quotes to reveal a timeline of events which both created and supported the “peculiar institution” and racism in our early history up to the advent of the
American Civil War.

Please join us!