Published on 05/02/2020

Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis

Congregational Meeting

to Call Rev. Anastassia Zinke 

May 3, 2020


From our Safe Congregation Covenant – We covenant to affirm and promote: Honesty and authenticity in our relationships; Words that are supportive and caring not belittling or demeaning; A welcoming and non-judgmental attitude; Respect for each person’s boundaries of mind, body and spirit; Listening to one another.

Before the Meeting Begins: Heather Millar, President

  • Asterisk
  • Raise Zoom hand
  • Chat
  • 3 or more voting on 1 device
  • Technical issues
  • Right Relations Committee

Opening Words: Rev. John Crestwell

Call to Order, Establish Quorum, Adopt Agenda and Rules:

Jane Carrigan, Vice President

Motion from the Board of Trustees to adopt this Agenda and Rules.


Vote, Heather Millar

Vote to call Rev. Anastassia Zinke: Heather Millar

Motion from the Board of Trustees to call Rev. Anastassia Zinke to serve as minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis.

Discussion beginning with Karen Murphy-Keddell, member of the Ministerial Search Committee


Announcements: Heather Millar

Report of the Right Relations Committee: Gina Williams and Ken Apfel

Announcement of the vote results: Heather Millar



Closing Words & Extinguish the Chalice

Adjourn to Coffee Hour and Breakout Rooms!


  • At the beginning the moderator will say that we are using these rules published on the website on April 29, 2020. We expect all to participate with goodwill and respect for the worth and dignity of each person. All of the preparations that have been completed for this meeting have been done with an eye on our 5th Principle to use the democratic process. Congregational Conversations were held to give opportunities for members to hear details of plans, seek clarifications and add suggestions resulting in vetted business that comes to this meeting.  
  • How to participate:
  1. On the internet using Zoom – all will be on mute except for staff and the moderator. To be recognized, raise your hand and staff will announce when it is your turn and unmute you for up to 1 minute. If you have a follow up question or comment, raise your hand again and staff will recognize you for up to an additional 30 seconds.
  2. For those on a phone, periodically during the discussion, the moderator will ask if you have comments or questions. Staff will unmute all on the phone and you will be given the opportunity to speak for up to 1 minute with an opportunity for up to 30 seconds for a follow up question or comment. 
  3. Technical issues on the internet: private chat Leika or text or call 443 422-2870.
  4. Technical issues on the phone: call 443 422-2870.
  5. Voting on the internet: Motions will be posted on the screen twice. If one member is using one device, this member will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen. If two members are using one device, one member will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen and the other member will vote as member B the second time the motion appears on the screen. Motions will be put in “yes, no or abstain” format except for the motion to call Rev. Anastassia Zinke that will be put in “yes or no/abstain” format.
  6. Voting by phone: Text or call 443 422-2870 and just give your name and yes, no or abstain except for the motion to call Rev. Anastassia Zinke when you will give your name and yes or no/abstain. The name is so we can check eligibility to vote. Only the staff member who takes your text or call will know your name. Your name will not be communicated with your vote to the administrator who calculates and announces the results of the vote.
  • There is a Right Relations Team available. If you have issues, please text or call them at: ________ or email them at: ____________. At the end of our meeting, they will give a brief report about issues that were raised and planned follow up.

UUCA Vision Statement

At UUCA we developed a Vision Statement that we approved during our 2017 December Congregational Meeting.

At UUCA we value and aspire to:

  • Courageously seek authentic relationships across differences
  • Move ourselves, our church, and our Earth toward justice, wholeness, connection and love
  • Engage in a lifelong journey of learning and spiritual growth
  • Practice radical hospitality, acceptance and inclusivity
  • Provide a haven for all beliefs and identities that align with UU Principles

UUCA Ends Statements

We have a Global Ends Statement followed by Three Ends Statements. They are:

Global Ends Statement – The UUCA exists to create the Beloved Community by inspiring and empowering all souls to live bold and compassionate lives.

  1. Faith Development – UUCA creates meaningful opportunities for deepening spirituality for all persons within a safe and challenging environment. 
  2. Social and Environmental Justice – UUCA’s theological and spiritual culture calls us to put our principles into action by creating and supporting systems that address environmental and social injustices. 
  3. Larger UU Movement – UUCA creates meaningful opportunities that encourage participation and leadership in the larger UU community to promote the growth of Unitarian Universalism. 

UUA 7 Principles plus Resolution to Support the 8th Principle

  1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Resolution: In April 2018 we voted to support the 8th Principle to accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. 

*For a copy of the original document, please click HERE.