In Memoriam
On June 28th, 2018 tragedy struck the Capital Gazette,
the City of Annapolis and the hearts of members of UUCA.
We will never be the same. We will never forget.
Remembering Wendi Winters
Wendi Winters was more than a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. She was part of its inner light. Whether organizing volunteers to hand out bulletins on Sunday morning, or telling you there’s a blood drive this Saturday – (“are you coming”) – or telling you one of her many stories about her life, her kids, her work, or her plans for the next Publicity Bazaar – Wendi Winters was a force of nature. A non-stop activist. A passionate journalist. A mentor to teens both in and outside the church. Standing a head above the rest, with a shock of wild, red curly hair, Wendi was more than just a member to us. She was part of the heartbeat of the church.
On that day in June, someone walked into the Capital Gazette and took her life, and the lives of four of her colleagues. The shock was palpable, the grieving keen, the loss to her family, to the community and to the church was acute. It felt like we lost a part of our heart. We do what church’s do, of course, we liturgized her life through a celebration of her life, attended by over 1,000 Annapolitans. We told her story as best we could. We held her children, who grew up in the church. Although we did not want to, we were forced to say goodbye. We miss her. We will always miss her.
That fall, a member of UUCA wanted to do something in her honor and so she did what Wendi would have done. She held a blood drive. It was called the Wendi Winters Memorial Blood Drive. People came who didn’t know her, but who heard her story and knew of her dedication to giving blood as giving life. The UUCA Youth Group came and some gave blood. It looks like it’s going to be regular tradition, just as Wendi would have done had she not been taken from us in such a violent and tragic way. Somehow, giving blood helps to ease the pain of this loss, even a little bit. It’s what Wendi would have done. We miss her. We will always miss her. She’ll always be with us.