Nominating Committee
Just Curious? or Want to Apply? contact Kari Alperovitz-bichell (Chair) or any Nominating Committee member (see list below) or just fill out this brief form.
CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE The UUCA Nominating Committee is a standing Congregation Committee. It shall seek out and nominate candidates who reflect the church’s commitment to inclusiveness and diversity. This will include consideration of the nominee’s preparedness to incorporate an anti-racist/anti-oppression lens into the work for which they are being considered. There are nine members of UUCA that are elected at the Annual Meeting for terms of two years in rotation, four members being elected in one year, and five members in the following year. A member shall be eligible for election to two additional full terms. The Nominating Committee shall select its own Chair annually, and the Chair shall be ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees without vote. The Nominating Committee shall identify new and emerging leadership candidates and shall assist in providing educational opportunities for developing emerging leaders. The Nominating Committee shall develop recommendations on other Nominating matters referred by the Executive or by the Board of Trustees.
CLICK TO SEE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Lex Robertson Mickey Goldberg Stan Keeve Sally Wood Brandon Pace Amanda Cardone Graham Smith (Representative)
Peggie O’Dea Laticia Hicks
CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION The Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of nominees for all Officers, Trustees, and Nominating Committee members seeking election at UUCA’s Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall issue a call for persons interested in being nominated. The Nominating Committee may recommend persons to fill any vacancies in elected or appointed positions that may occur during the year. Additional nominations may be made by petition of ten (10) members no less than seven days before the Annual Meeting. In all cases written consent of the nominee must be obtained before a name is placed in nomination. The Nominating Committee shall notify the congregation of any additional nominees no less than six (6) days before the annual meeting.
Please email or any member of the Nominating Committee with any questions or feedback.