Participate in Our Annual Water Communion!

We will perform our water communion during our September 12 Ingathering Service. You can add your waters to any of the four vessels that metaphorically represent our spiritual lives:

  • Places of Drought: This vessel witnesses places of drought in our lives. We add water as a compassionate and prayerful act that such droughts receive life-replenishing justice, care, and support. 
  • Waters that Carry Us: Water in this vessel symbolizes journey, movement, or change.
  • Storms that Swirl: Water in this vessel recognizes us of life’s storms — our concerns, worries, frustrations, and losses – and how they shift us.
  • Waters that Lift Us: These waters remind us of the wellsprings of our lives, which support us and lift our spirits.

Sunday, Sept 5 up until the Sept 12 service These vessels will be on the chancel of the Sanctuary for you to add your water.

Then during our September 12, 10 a.m. service, you can witness in-person or via Zoom these waters being blended together in our ritual communion. We will then use these holy waters to bless the laptops or backpacks of any students (all-ages!) who come in-person. 

For a week after, we invite you to pick up a small bottle of our purified water communion water to use as a blessing in your life.

Rev. Anastasia