Hello UUCA, I wanted to update you on three things related to pastoral care. First, given the tragic state of our nation and the rampant injustices toward BIPOC, I am making myself available on Mondays and Fridays for private pastoral care. Please email me if you need to process some of your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Email me: jcrestwell@uuannapolis.org.

Second, I will be visiting AAMC weekly to see members, family members and friends who may need prayer or company. If you know someone in the hospital that needs a visit, please contact Rev. John (jcrestwell@uuannapolis.org)

Third, the ministers received an urgent message this week about former POC members Emerson and Janice Hamsa. Emerson was a UU candidate for ministry some years ago and found her call at UUCA. On March 28th, Emerson was admitted to the hospital because of a heart condition that caused fluid to back up into her lungs. As a result she spent two weeks on a ventilator in the Cardiac ICU. She is scheduled for open-heart surgery next week. Janice is currently on unpaid Family Medical Leave and will continue to be while she cares for Emerson during her recovery. The UUCA Emergency Fund will be used to financially support them but we are limited in how much we can give. If you would like to help them go to this link: https://docs.google.com/…/1NIYJSLZgEW-2…/mobilebasic .

There is a lot going on but we are here for you.


Rev. John