Publications & Communication

Read our weekly newsletter,

In the Know!


How can I find out what’s happening at UUCA?

There’s always a lot happening at UUCA!  There are over 50 groups, committees, social justice initiatives, small groups, etc and all need some time and space to publicize their programs!  The Administrative Team has established some guidelines to help navigate the needs of groups.   All announcements for events at UUCA are restricted to church-sponsored programs.  Events that are of interest to members but not sponsored or associated with UUCA are generally not granted space in our publications.

What are the new processes for In the Know and Realm?

Guidelines for Grammar & Syntax in Submissions

  • Connection Cards: send to Any request to add a bullet point is reviewed by the staff. If there is not enough space, it may not be included.
  • Adverts for In the Know, nUUsweek, and Realm Connect Events:
  • Middle/After Hour requests go to
  • Requests beyond After Hour (12:15 pm and later) go to
  • Adverts should be 50 words or less. If they are longer, UUCA editors are allowed to make them shorter.
  • If you need a very long ad, please make it an image (square or horizontal rectangle – no flyers please, they are too big).
  • You may also submit a blog post if you need more space. This will be a link under the “blogs” section in In the Know.
  • Home Carousel requests for the main page of the website go to Blogs and adverts are added by the admin assistant. The minister reviews whether it is added to the home carousel or not. If it is not added, it will still be visible on our Local Resources menu (Announcements & Events for adverts, the rest under blogs).
  • Do not use ordinal indicators. Dates should be 2/4, not Feb. 4th.
  • Days may be abbreviated if it is necessary for space in the publications. For example, Mon. instead of Monday.
  • Verbs should be present, not present continuous: Use donate instead of donating, or ran instead of was running. It is more concise and action-oriented.
  • For time:
  • Use 2 – 4:30 pm, not 2:00 – 4:30 pm.
  • Ante meridiem and post meridiem should be lowercase: am and pm, not AM and PM.
  • Do not use military time. use 4 pm, not 16:00.
Please also use these guidelines for any slides or blogs that you create. This will ensure that our publications and slides have a cohesive look.

UUCA has five  primary methods of communication:

In the Know

Our weekly e-newsletter.  The deadline for content is Monday at Noon and reviewed by staff.   The purpose of In the Know is to advertise events that are  on SUNDAY morning. The staff will determine what gets into the e-newsletter. Content not approved will be publicized in the Realm Newsfeed. The e-newsletter is sent out on Thursday.


The newsletter is given out on Sunday mornings.  The purpose of nUUsweek is to advertise events that are coming up on Sunday morning, as well as events happening in the church beyond Sunday.  Because we try to keep nUUsweek at a length that would enable most people to want to read it, these announcements must be brief (no more than 50 words), describing the who, what, when, where, why, and how (or how much) of an event.   There is limited space so descriptions of the event are included at the discretion of the staff. To submit an article, email it by Monday at 12 noon to:

Order of Service.

The order of service has information about the church. It is created by the staff and available in-person just before you enter the Sanctuary.

Sunday Morning Verbal Announcements.  The ministers or worship leaders will generally announce events happening in the church that Sunday. They will announce the various Middle/After Hour offerings, and other activities that are pertinent to the life of the church.  The ministers cannot take last-minute requests for announcements.  Priority for announcements is given to groups recognized by a congregational vote, our by-laws, or ones chosen to receive Share-the-Plate funds. Final approval is made by the minister.