Camp Beagle at UUCA
Welcome to Camp Beagle 2025!
Ahoy! At the heart, Camp Beagle is about connection, connection to each other and connection to our Blue Boat Home. Our camp is our answer to other church’s summer bible camps. Our camp is an Evolution and Science camp! Camp Beagle is named such because Charles Darwin explored on the HMS Beagle. We also explore during camp, from “harbor” to “harbor” , these learning stations hold many things to learn. Join our “sailors” as they visit Port Evolution, Port Science, Port Wonder and Port Adventure.
Here is a preview of what Camp Beagle will look like this year:
Dates of Camp: July 21st-25th, 2025
Event Address: Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis (UUCA), 333 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Days: Monday through Friday
Fee for UUCA Families and Community Partners: $200.00 for the first child, $175.00 for each sibling (payment for the third child is optional if this will support your child’s attendance)
(UUCA Faith Formation families, Charting Careers, and Centro de Ayudo)
Fee for other UU Churches, Friends of UUCA, and community members: $250.00 for the first child, $200.00 for each sibling
Sophia Fahs Scholarships are available to families for whom this fee would be a hardship. We want all our Faith Formation families who wish to attend Camp Beagle to be able to participate! Our high school leaders, participate as volunteers and are required to register but do not pay a fee to attend. If you would like to set up an individualized payment plan or receive financial support, contact your Admiral.
Registration Guidelines
2025: Registration begins February 2nd
A deposit of $100 per family is due upon registration with all fees due by the first Sunday in June.
Camp Beagle Music
Our music is specially written for and led by the talented Kathryn Para. Learn More about Kathryn Para at kathrynpara.com