Reverend Anastassia’s

Pending Departure


Dear UUCA,

After significant discernment, I have decided to step down from my position as one of your ministers. My last Sunday in the pulpit will be June 16, 2024.

Let me share briefly why I made this decision. During my time here, I have recognized that my calling is to serve congregations during periods of uncertainty. This has certainly been true these past four years: in going through COVID and returning to in-person church; to pioneering the ministers of equal standing model; to trying to figure out what it means to be an 8th Principle congregation; to welcoming in so many new members, while deepening our spirituality and connection. Especially with the return to two Sunday services, I recognized that much (but not all) of what had been uncertain has been resolved. We have put down good roots; they need time to mature. There are incredible leaders all around UUCA ready to do this work. Overseeing a period of meaningful maturation is good ministry, but it is not my calling or my strength. Then in this period of recognition, I received an unexpected professional opportunity that I thought did fit my gifts well. Personally I am excited for that. While it is not yet public, I look forward to sharing soon what is next for me.

Dear ones, almost no minister gets lucky enough to serve a congregation as vibrant as ours. UUCA continuously gives me hope for our faith and that faith is rooted in you. I have felt deeply honored to be invited into your lives, to share in your joys and sorrows, and to accompany you through many significant life and congregational changes. The hardest part about leaving UUCA will be saying goodbye to all of you.

This Sunday in worship, I’ll talk more about what serving at UUCA has meant to me.  I love worshiping with you on Sundays. I admire how UUCA continues to keep itself on the messy edge of multicultural ministry. I am inspired when seeing our people put love in action beyond our walls, and by our talented and committed staff and discerning lay leaders. Leaving you requires me to summon courage.

I feel able to release myself from ministry with you, because I am confident in UUCA’s leadership. UUCA will continue to be well served by Rev. John Crestwell, Jr, who has been a true through line through many of UUCA’s moments of transition and grief. The depth of lay leadership at UUCA is humbling, and your Board is thoughtful in its decision-making. As your leaders develop UUCA’s next steps, our Unitarian Universalist Association is prepared to support them and you.  I have great faith in UUCA’s future, because I have great faith in all of you.

A good goodbye can help both with grieving and with welcoming what is to come. Know that there’s no right or wrong way to feel about this relationship ending. There can be anger, grief, sadness, regret, or guilt. There can also be a sense of relief–being thankful that the relationship is over. In the next few months, we will have time to process our grief, honor what we’ve accomplished together, express our gratitude for one another, and say goodbye. Approaching the end of our ministerial relationship with intentionality can result in greater fulfillment for both me and you.

In the meantime, I am going to soak in every moment of being your minister through June, while making space for what is to come.

In closing, I want to say thank you for shaping me and my ministry. You will always be with me.

With deep love and gratitude,

Rev. Anastassia

Message from the Board

Dear Fellow Members and Friends of UUCA,

We recognize that Rev. Anastassia’s leaving is a loss to our community. We will greatly miss her presence and talents.

We, your Board of Trustees are working with Rev. John to make this transition as smooth as possible. We are confident that we have the time and talent to plan for a smooth transition with our ministry. We have changed as a congregation over the last several years, and this transition is an opportunity to reflect on what our next ministry should be.

Rev. John will continue as our Senior Minister. Our church programs and calendar will continue as already planned for the next several months as we assess what our needs are. We will consult with the UUA Office of Ministerial Transitions. We will seek congregational input. We will share our plans as they evolve.

On June 16, we will gather in appreciation of Rev. Anastassia and her ministry with us.

The Board will have a listening session on Zoom on Tuesday, April 9 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.


We welcome your comments, questions, or suggestions at


Jan Bird, UUCA President and Jenn Pollitt-Hill UUCA Vice President