Save the Date and Time
February 21, After Hour
Heather Millar, President
These continue to be exciting times in many ways at UUCA including our plans for our physical plant. Our Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2) has done extensive planning and work for over 2 years. They have examined our current and anticipated future needs and developed plans to address these. They are ready to implement Phase 1. Imagine when we open our building again that we come back to a newly expanded entrance and welcoming lobby area, a kitchen that includes more space for working and serving and an ADA ramp in the sanctuary, and an ADA shower in the gender-neutral restroom on the lower level!
BEEC2 has shared their findings and plans during Congregational Conversations and Meetings and posted them on the UUCA website. They have incorporated special attention to the 8th Principle and are negotiating with Black-owned and operated contractors to complete the ramp and shower work. They are seeking minority-owned businesses to be involved with most aspects of the work to implement their plans.
BEEC2 is investigating information about county requirements that affect the price of the project. Their work to date reveals that currently, available money is less than what is needed to complete Phase 1. They are gathering figures but it looks like the shortfall is about $340K. The Board must decide what to do and needs input from congregants. During the After Hour Congregational Conversation on Sunday, February 21, BEEC2 will present their up-to-date plans and estimated costs. The Board and Executives will report the money on hand and alternative possibilities for financing. Congregants will be encouraged to ask questions and offer additional insights.
There are significant reasons that make this an excellent time to figure out how to cover the shortfall of money and implement Phase 1 now. Because we are not in the building, the construction will not disrupt our programs and we will not interfere with that work. Interest rates are currently unusually low making consideration of financing options including a mortgage especially attractive.
BEEC2 is ready to act. We need these changes to improve our physical plant to fulfill our dreams of what we want to do and who we want to be, to prepare us with an inviting space to share with others in the community. Please join us on Sunday, February 21, during After Hour for this important discussion via Zoom. This is another opportunity for congregants to be informed and communicate ideas. The Board and Executives need your input as we decide the next steps.
Blessings be and stay safe!