Sunday Morning Faith Formation Sessions
One Service: 11:00am -12:00pm
Two Services: 10:15am -11:05am
Little Ones (6 month old – 3 yrs old)
Our dedicated and loving child care staff work with children up to three years old. Childcare is offered every Sunday morning. You can bring your child downstairs to the Little Ones Room anytime throughout the morning. Our Little Ones room is located in the Sophia Fahs Room within the Jordan Family Sanctuary.
Spirit Play (pre-K – 1st Grade)
Our Montessori-inspired program follows a session format of active story-telling, wondering, and child-directed activities. During these UU religious exploration sessions, children will explore our values, such as equity and love.
Wonder Hour (2nd- 4th grade typically- open through 7th grade)
These sessions are open to a mixed age of children. Sessions will explore the Church Year themes through story, activities and discussion. There will be special guests and community service projects. These are “workshop style” and are not sequential.
Elementary OWL (4th-5th grades)
This will be a series of our comprehensive Our Whole Lives program, focusing on topics like puberty and consent. (This program returns for Church Year 25-26)
URUU (6th grade)
A UU identity course that explores the history and what it means to belong to Unitarian Universalism. (This program returns for Church Year 25-26)
Jubilee Kids (5th-7th grades)
This is an anti-racism program that supports building beloved community by living into our 8th principle. (This program returns for Church Year 25-26)
Crossing Paths (5th-6th grades)
This curriculum supports youths understanding and experiencing different faiths. Youth will explore a faith for two sessions and then visit the house of faith, finally reflecting on the experience. We will explore faiths such as Islam, Quakers, Buddhists, Hinduism, Earthbased faiths etc.
OWL- Our Whole Lives (7th-8th Grade)
This is a comprehensive year long curriculum that explores so many facets of sexuality.
Coming of Age (8th – 9th Grade)
COA is a formal rite of passage for our youth. Matched with a mentor, they focus on how their personal beliefs and values intersect with UUism, presenting their personal credo to the congregation in the spring. COA foster connections to peers through activities like two retreats and the Heritage Trip to Boston. (This program returns for Church Year 25-26)
High School Youth Group
A youth-led, advisor supported program including worship, learning, games, social action, field trips, and planning a service.
Interfaith Sessions (0 -100+)
Interfaith sessions throughout the church year. Families can attend together with congregants too. (Children 4th grade & up can attend independently). Learn about Judaism, Samhain, Quakers, Islam, Chalica etc.
Sanctuary Sundays (Prek-12th grade)
One Sunday a month during Middle Hour, a group (Spirit Play or HS Youth Group) will lead a Faith Engagement experience for the rest of the children and youth in the sanctuary. This will include music, story, chalice lighting, reading, and joy!