Meet Your Stewards

Meet Your Stewards

Meet Your Stewards by Rev. Anastassia Zinke, Minister We are putting relationships at the heart of UUCA, including in our stewardship work; as part of this, your Stewardship Captain will be your first point of contact. Pam Ausiello, our finance director, will be...
Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! I can’t remember a Spring that I have more welcomed. This Spring has called me out of the small world that I have lived within for this past year. As I have emerged, I am struck again by both my profound gratitude for how this Earth speaks to my spirit...
When Will We Have Church In-Person Again?

When Will We Have Church In-Person Again?

When Will We Have Church In-Person Again? Good question…  Like you, the ministers and staff miss seeing your lovely faces.  It’s been too long–nine months of waiting for a vaccine.  2020 can’t end quick enough many say! However, the Food and...