Upcoming Services

The month of December is one service. We will be back to two services on January 5.

All programs will be After Hours and take place at 11:15 am -12:05 pm.

Weekly Sunday Service

10:00 am EST

(In-person  & Zoom)

Arriving 10 minutes before the service will be helpful

in everyone finding their seats. 

 Join us via  Zoom Meeting


  Meeting ID: 969 171 2043

 One tap mobile

 +16468769923,,9691712043# US (New York)

 +13126266799,,9691712043# US (Chicago)

Previous sermons can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Winter Solstice

Sarah Devlin-Tremble, Director of Lifespan Faith Formation,

Full Circle and the Mindfulness Practice Group


The winter solstice at time of barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future, a time of withdrawal that produces something joyful. Join the Mindfulness Practice Group and Full Circle, our Earth-based faith practice group, to mark the shortest day of the year together.

Service brought to you by Sarah Devlin-Tremble, Director of Lifespan Faith Formation, Full Circle and the Mindfulness Practice Group; Sarah Devlin-Tremble will lead the Wonderbox; Music by Justin Cody and the UUCA choir, with Pat Fleeharty. Flowers for the Sanctuary are donated by Olivia Bittner.

Sunday December 1st through Sunday, December 29th, we will be at ONE SERVICE at 10am.