Upcoming Services

This Week’s Sunday Service

10:00 am EST

(In-person & Zoom)

Arriving 10 minutes before the service will be helpful

in everyone finding their seats.

 Join us via  Zoom Meeting


  Meeting ID: 969 171 2043

 One tap mobile

 +16468769923,,9691712043# US (New York)

 +13126266799,,9691712043# US (Chicago)

Previous sermons can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

High School Youth Service

High School Youth


Join our High School Youth as they lead the entire service. They remind us that Inclusion means that all people are welcomed and accepted as they are. Our youth affirm the need for a safe accessible space to build community and find that in our church. Messages and performances by the youth.

Service led by our High School Youth; Music by Justin Cody and the High School Youth.